Thoughts on Valentine’s Day Survival…

Whether you recoil every time you enter the supermarket this month to find an interior that looks like it’s been hosed down with Pepto Bismal or you are dodging that person who has a rapidly approaching expiration date, Valentine’s Day can totally stink. But it doesn’t have to – even without romance in your life.

For all you Dads of girls out there…what you do on Valentine’s Day matters and will matter for the rest of your little lady’s life. I never hated Valentine’s Day, even during my very single years, and here’s why:  every year, my Dad made me feel special whether I was alone or had a significant other in my life.  I always received a card, candy or something.

One of my fondest Valentine’s Day memories is from my last year of graduate school. My ex-boyfriend at the time was blissfully courting a Budweiser girl (barf) while I was painfully single and regularly sporting dark circles around my haggard eyes while pounding away at my master’s degree. I had a group of girlfriends over for an impromptu wine tasting – this was before my more responsible somm days of sniff, swish and spit. My best girlfriend had been dumped that very day and the remainder of our group was single – some nursing broken hearts, some not so much. Needless to say, we “tasted” like there was no tomorrow. Then my Dad called with his annual Valentine’s Day greeting. With a touch of a slur, I thanked him profusely then he announced that he wanted to treat all of us girls to dinner. My phone made the rounds as all the ladies said their thank yous then we strolled down the street to Blue Water Grill for a Valentine’s Day dinner. I don’t know how we wrangled a table, I cannot remember what we ate aside from the fact that it was seafood, and I can’t remember every topic of conversation we covered. I do remember that my beloved Boston Terrier, JD, was in attendance (more loyal than any man could ever be).


I also remember one of my friends, a hilarious Brazilian beauty in the cinematography department at Chapman, suddenly leaned over the dock next to our table and vomited. She delicately dabbed her face with her cloth napkin, turned back to the table with a humiliated glance then uttered, “whoa, I feel much better.” Paroxysms of laughter healed our broken hearts and sheer magic filled the air as the sun set behind us.

The moral of the story is: make someone you love feel special on Valentine’s Day whether it be a friend, a parent, your child or a significant other. I know I’m married now and have a family, but it is my Dad that I always think of on this holiday because I knew I was  special to him. So, this Valentine’s Day, my husband and I will endeavor to make our son know how marvelous he is to us.  So, yeah, make someone you love feel special today.  Happy Valentine’s Day and cheers to Wayne Davis!
